Quantum puzzle solvers

Quantum puzzle solvers

Written by Eric Ruth | Illustration by Cindy Dolan UD team’s precocious paper takes first prize in premier computer engineering competition Quantum computing is a field that’s full of puzzling problems — challenges so big and so rich with potential that labs...
Quantum computing and finance

Quantum computing and finance

Researchers explore quantum computing’s ability to speed solutions for financial sector Over the next decade, quantum computers are expected to have a transformative impact on numerous industry sectors, as they surpass the computational capabilities of classical...
Quantum Computing Workforce

Quantum Computing Workforce

New graduate program puts UD in select company with in-demand degrees It’s a Sunday morning in the fall, and you have four stops to make before your guests arrive to watch the Eagles game. You just found out your friends are bringing their friends, so you have to hit...
Best Student Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

Cameron Ibrahim, a doctoral student in the Department of Computer & Information Sciences who is supervised by Ilya Safro, associate professor, received the Best Student Paper Award at the 2022 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing conference. Ibrahim’s paper...