New Atomic Data Portal

New Atomic Data Portal

UD’s Safronova, Eigenmann and collaborators share the power of precision atomic physics Even if you’re one of the most precise physicists on the planet — as University of Delaware Professor Marianna Safronova is — you still will need collaborators whose skills...
Dark Matter Detection

Dark Matter Detection

UD’s Singh and collaborators propose repurposing tabletop sensors to search for dark matter Scientists are certain that dark matter exists. Yet, after more than 50 years of searching, they still have no direct evidence for the mysterious substance. University of...
Young Investigator Award

Young Investigator Award

Engineering professor honored for excellence in molecular beam research Periods of history are often defined by the materials used to make critical tools — from the stone age to the bronze age to today — a period some experts regard as the silicon age. Silicon is used...
UD Joins Mid-Atlantic Quantum Alliance

UD Joins Mid-Atlantic Quantum Alliance

Collaboration to help advance quantum revolution The University of Delaware has joined the Mid-Atlantic Quantum Alliance — a hub for quantum technology research, development, innovation and education that seeks to advance U.S. and regional leadership in the coming...

$18 Million for UD center to advance materials research

Federally-funded center to advance materials research A new center at the University of Delaware will advance research to transform the way materials are made. The UD Center for Hybrid, Active, and Responsive Materials (UD CHARM) will drive fundamental materials...